Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday, Part 1

Today is a family day. My older granddaughter didn't have school so I invited her to spend the day with me. I mistakenly mentioned to her last night that we were going to color some Easter eggs today. Before I could finish my first cup of coffee she was waiting on me. Of course, coloring Easter eggs isn't just an opportunity to spend some time together ... around here it's a photo opp and quickly becomes a major production. So, Hannah got very bored and impatient waiting on me to get my camera settings just right:

Finally ready!

Gather all the supplies: eggs (from organically fed free-range chickens, of course!), Paas color (what else!), vinegar, and water....

Put the eggs in the color...

and wait...

and voila!

All done - except for clean up!

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