Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maggie Named a Finalist

This image of cute little Maggie was named as a finalist today in's monthly competition. See her little teeth showing like she's saying "cheese!" Over 19,000 images were entered last month, so it is quite an honor to be among the finalists in the "animals" category.

The judges will select the top images over the next few days. While I love this image and am very proud of it, I will be very surprised if it makes it into the top group. When judges are faced with images that have equal technical merit, they will often - and rightly so - choose the image that was more difficult to capture. There are some amazing images of eagles, coyotes, wolves, alligators, etc. that are competing against this cute little girl. It's very hard for a studio shot to win over a gorgeous image of giraffes with their necks wrapped around each other in front of a setting sun with dust from the savanna vignetting them! So I'll hope for the best, but am just very proud that we're a finalist.
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